Graticule Research Network

Graticule provides a new approach to patient identification leveraging the power of EHR data to accelerate the analysis of populations within health systems and extend the recruitment processes to the point of care. We solve for the last and critical mile where algorithms are translated into the tools and data infrastructures adopted by health systems to offer relevant decision support at the point of care where physicians interact with patients. By generating both targeted algorithms and deployment mechanisms to generate screener lists with relevant data for clinical teams we are able to find patients who otherwise would not be diagnosed or engaged in novel treatment approaches.

Graticule has established a strong research network by building relationships with a growing number of health systems and data partners to make longitudinal patient journey data available for research projects. Graticule has built relationships with KOLs and research teams closely engaged in the internal data collection and governance processes across multiple health systems. Graticule’s global reach and rapidly expanding network ensures access to a rich data set from multiple representative populations.

Our Value

  • Expedite agreements with sites and extend predictive models into clinical workflows through the Graticule honest broker process
  • Continuous improvement of real-world data and data science approach across multiple client patient identification projects
  • Accelerate time to value through access to pre-built software components for integrated implementation

Reaching the Last mile

Scaling up the deployment of a developed algorithm across several health systems is often a challenging task. Each health system has its own implementation process, data extraction method, and data access procedure which makes it difficult for running queries across the whole health system database to find patients. Additionally, collaborating with their IT department to customize the tool through a local infrastructure adds to the burden.

Graticule has a solution

Graticule actively coordinates with PIs and health system staff to work through the processes including contracting, protocol development, and implementation of patient identification workflows to solve the last mile problem.

Graticule as Honest broker

As a CRO, Graticule provides honest broker services by establishing BAAs with the health system and delivering de-identified data. It has established SOPs in place for the de-identification of PHI to ensure safe and secure linking & sharing of clinical data.

Graticule works with data aggregators to deploy patient identification tools and demonstrate utility prior to implementation at sites. Additionally, Graticule coordinates with multiple health systems to work through contracting, protocol development & implementation using standard tools and legal agreements.