Implementation of Graticule Patient Finder establishes a clinical workflow at each participating site for patient care and clinical trial coordination teams to integrate EHR generated screening views into how they work. Patients aren’t just identified as cases in one step. Instead the screening tools focus on outreach to clinicians, obtaining additional data and opinions from stakeholders, and result in activation of conversations between the right physician and the patient if it is a probable case.
Clinical Workflow
The solution process takes advantage of the access to EHR data provided through Graticule Research Network partners. The early development is a collaborative process between experts involved in patient care and the algorithm development team. This includes finding the right features for screening inclusion and exclusion as well as the features of the patient record to be used to prioritize and present cases to the teams. Because of deep partnerships that enable deployment at health systems these tools can then be provided to physicians for refinement during active patient identification processes and the logic and presentation of the screener is improved across multiple sites in an iterative fashion.
Building your Solution
Step 1 & 2: Algorithm Development
- Feasibility & Data Extraction
- Identify and work with clinical experts to build the algorithm
- Develop a detailed study plan & design; map out patient counts
- License commercial datasets or extract & de-identify historical records to build training datasets
- Train and Validate Screener with RWD
- Develop and train screener with available real world datasets
- Preliminary validation of the screener
Step 3: Screener Validation
- Validate Screener with Health System
- Validate algorithm using curated datasets from health systems to evaluate its performance
- Refine against gaps and learnings from the validation
- Work with health systems to translate algorithm into workflow
Step 4: Patient Identification Workflow Validation
- Workflow Validation at Test Site(s)
- Deploy patient identification workflow as part of the clinical workflow at test site(s)
- Validate if workflow improves efficiency for patient identification eg: screening fail rate or cost
Step 5: Scaling Patient Identification Workflow
- Scale patient identification workflows at extended health system sites