Patient identification and enrollment in clinical trials necessitate time-consuming and costly medical history assessments. The current labor scarcity adds to the challenge. Manual intervention limits the number of patients examined, which may lead to failure in accomplishing patient enrollment goals.

Graticule Patient Finder supports clinical research acceleration by implementing and deploying algorithms at points of care to obtain an identified list of patients to be prioritized for review by clinicians. Graticule brings an active network of data aggregators and health systems to support the implementation of patient identification tools, providing end-to-end solutions for reaching the last mile.

Benefits of Patient Finder

More efficient clinical trialsSave time and costs
  • Identify sites with the highest recruitment potential to conduct more efficient clinical trials
  • Patient identification algorithms could lead to diverse patient cohorts ensuring more inclusive and accessible clinical trials
  • Fewer screen failures due to accurate patient identification saves time and cost
  • Streamlined patient recruitment process to timely accomplish the patient enrollment goals

Use Case